What is ear wax?
Earwax, which is naturally formed in the ear canal, lubricates the ears and shields them from discomfort, dust, bacteria, and even insects. Because earwax naturally travels from halfway down the canal to the outside of the ear, most people don’t need to remove it.
Excess earwax might cause issues for certain people, or it can get lodged in their ears. In certain situations, having the earwax cleaned can help people who are experiencing discomfort or have trouble hearing. The earwax removal service offered by Cleardrum is a secure and efficient solution for these problems.
You shouldn’t need to remove any earwax at all because our ears are self-cleaning. However, earwax can also lead to issues with one or both ears for some people, including:
While this service is intended for people with excessive earwax, it is crucial to confirm that any symptoms you are experiencing are due to earwax and not an infection or other issue. The following people frequently require ear wax removal:
- Users of headphones
- Users of hearing aids
- Regular cotton bud users
- People who use ear plugs regularly
You should consult a general practitioner to determine whether you require this service if these symptoms are new to you, if you have other symptoms, or if you’re just unsure.